Green LaMis

The "Green LaMiS" project aims to improve the way social services are delivered while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and addressing traffic congestion issues.

Projekt: „Green LaMis – Greening the last mile of public home services delivery“

The project is being implemented as part of the Interreg Central Europe program.

The main partner of the project is Fondazione Politecnico di Milano from Italy, while the other partners are the National Consortium CGM and the City of Bergamo, also from Italy; the University of Passau from Germany; Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd., the Institute for Computer Science and Control, and the City of Szombathely from Hungary; Eupolis Group Ltd. from Split; and the City of Klis.

The project begins on June 1, 2024, and will run for 30 months.

The total value of the project amounts to €1,826,265.00, of which 80% is co-financed by the EU, amounting to €1,461,012.00.

The project focuses on developing a joint transnational solution for the sustainable delivery of social services in the last mile of distribution in medium and small cities across Central Europe.

The “Green LaMiS” project aims to improve the way social services are delivered while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions and addressing traffic congestion issues. Currently, social services are often delivered in an unsustainable and inefficient manner, which further exacerbates the connectivity challenges between urban areas and surrounding functional zones where service users reside.

Through this project, a joint strategy and action plan will be developed, based on an innovative methodological tool that will be used to calculate the carbon footprint, along with additional indicators of territorial morphology and the characteristics of the provided social services.

Official project website:

Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of the Green LaMiS project was held on July 3 and 4, 2024, at the premises of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano.

The project objective is to find feasible mobility solutions to greening the last mile of public homeservices delivery in order to reduce Co2 emissions and traffic congestion; and to improve the quality of life of people, even the most fragile ones, through increasing the efficiency of social services.

The project is financed by the Interreg Central Europe, and is coordinated by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano.

In these two days the 9 partners have worked together to define the first steps of the project.
Good job to Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Comune di Bergamo, University of Passau – Institute Centouris, WestpannonTeam, Municipality of Szombately, SZTAKI – Institute for Computer Science and control, Eupolis Group ltd, Municipality of Klis

Press Conference of the Green LaMiS Project

The press conference for the Green LaMiS project was held in the Municipality of Klis on October 9, 2024.

The Green LaMiS project was presented at the Jozo Buliga Cultural Center in Klis, funded by EU resources under the Interreg Central Europe program. The project involves Italy, Hungary, Croatia, and Germany. Croatian partners in the project are the Municipality of Klis and Eupolis Ltd. from Split.

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